Dr. Miguel Diaz
    Dr. Miguel Diaz

    Testimonial of satisfactory academic performance obtaining the general examination for the graduation of the degree in General Medicine, according to the requirements
    established by the technical council, June 2002.

    The Autonomous University of Baja California, grants the title as General Practitioner, March 2003.

    American College of Surgeons Mexico, Certifies completion of the VITAL SUPPORT COURSE IN TRAUMA, November 2004.

    American College of Surgeons; Grants the record for his participation in ADVANCED TRAINING OF VITAL SUPPORT IN TRAUMA, November 2004.

    American Heart Association, certified ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) course completion, October 2005.

    The Autonomous University of Coahuila, grants a Diploma of SPECIALTY IN URGENT MEDICINE, April 2006.

    Assistant witness at the XVIII Cardiology Congress in the state of Chihuahua, October 2006.

    IMSS, includes participation as adjunct professor of the CPR course ADVANCED AND URGENT CARDIAC CARE, May 2007.

    Mexican Red Cross awards recognition for participation in the FAST workshop (Focused Abdominal Sonography in Trauma), January 2009.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), consists of participation in POSTOPERATORY COMPLICATIONS OF THE PLACEMENT OF THE TENCKHOFF CATHETER, February 2009.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) certifies the completion of RESIDENCY in GENERAL SURGERY, February 2009.

    MEXICAN SOCIETY OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE A.C, recognizes attendance at the Workshop "DESICIONS IN THE ATTENTION OF THE POLITRAUMATIZED PATIENT" XI National Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, February 2010.

    MEXICAN SOCIETY OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE A.C, recognizes attendance at the XI National Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, February 2010.

    Mexican Association of General Surgery A.C, Postgraduate College in General Surgery, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery A.C; Extends recognition for participation as an assistant in Northwest Meeting "Security" May 2010.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Awards recognition for participation in the session "MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS WITH TRAUMATIC SKULL INJURIES" September 2010.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Awards recognition for participation in the session "ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME" September 2010.

    Mexican Association of General Surgery A.C, College of Postgraduates in General Surgery, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery A.C; Extends the present record for attendance at XXXIV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF GENERAL SURGERY 2010, October 2010.

    Mexican Association of General Surgery A.C, College of Postgraduates in General Surgery, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery A.C; Extends the present record for his Attendance to the Postgraduate Course II "TRAINING COURSE IN ADVANCED TRAUMA SURGERY" (CEN-CAT), October 2010.

    XXIII Congress of the Pan American Trauma Society, recognizes the participation in quality, within this framework of the congress, November 2010.

    MEXICAN SOCIETY OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE A.C, Certifies active membership, January 2011.

    XI International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma attendance, February 2011.

    Mexican Association of General Surgery AC, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery AC, College of Specialists in General Surgery of the State of Querétaro, Autonomous University of Querétaro (Medical Faculty), Secretary of Health of the State of Querétaro, Participation in TRAUMA SURGERY, May 2011.

    Mexican Society of Emergency Medicine, includes assistance as a PONENT, October 2011.

    Latin American Federation of Surgery, Mexican Association of General Surgery, College of Postgraduates in General Surgery, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery, certifies participation in the XIX Latin American Congress of FELAC Surgery and the XXXV International Congress of General Surgery, November 2011.

    Latin American Federation of Surgery, Mexican Association of General Surgery, College of Postgraduates in General Surgery, National Federation of Colleges and Associations of Specialists in General Surgery, certifies the presentation of their free work in the category "POSTER", "An uncommon cause of Acute Abdomen” within the XIX Latin American Congress of FELAC Surgery and the XXXV International Congress of General Surgery, November 2011.

    The Autonomous University of Sinaloa through the Faculty of Medicine, grants HONORIFICATION, in the examination of specialization in General Surgery, February 2012.

    XII International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, its participation is in force, February 2012.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Recognizes the completion of the Specialized SURGICAL Program, February 2012.

    The Autonomous University of Sinaloa, through the Faculty of Medicine, successful completion of General Surgery Specialty, February 2012.

    The Autonomous University of Sinaloa, awards a Diploma of Specialty in General Surgery, April 2012.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Training in "ROBOTIC SURGERY", August 2012.

    Panamerican Trauma Society, certifies course attendance COMPLETION OF SURGICAL SKILLS IN TRAUMA COURSE -DQT-, November 2012.

    Colombian Association of Trauma certifies attendance at XXV Pan American Congress, XII Colombian Congress, XII Prehospital Congress, and TRAUMA November 2012.

    Mexican Red Cross, recognizes the participation as speaker concerning the topic of "ATTITUDES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE POLITRAUMATIZED PATIENT", November 2012.

    American College Of Surgeons, satisfactorily recognizes the completion of the ATLS Course with standards set by the ACS Committee on Trauma, November 2012.

    XXIV International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, attendance, February 2013.

    Autonomous University of Baja California, grants recognition for having participated in the Course "CARDIOVASCULAR EMERGENCIES", June 2013.

    College of General Surgeons of Tijuana, Baja California, recognizes his thesis "ABDOMINAL COMPARTMENT SYNDROME", March 2013.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), participation as an assistant of the BASIC LAPAROSCOPY Course, May 2013.

    Mexican Red Cross, recognizes LEADERSHIP Course attendance, June 2013.

    College of General Surgeons of Tijuana, Baja California, recognizes his thesis in "DAMAGE CONTROL SURGERY", June 2013.

    College of General Surgeons of Tijuana Baja California, recognizes ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP during 2013.

    Society of Baja California in Emergency Medicine A.C, recognizes its attendance to the Course "FAST", July 2013.

    College of General Medicine of Tijuana, A.C, recognizes participation in the "HIDDEN PNEUMOTHORAX” Program, September 2013.

    Mexican Red Cross, recognizes assistance in Continuing Medical Education with the theme "NEUROLOGICAL EMERGENCIES", September 2013.

    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Recognizes the conclusion of the session in "DAMAGE CONTROL SURGERY", October 2013.

    Professionalization Services of the Clinical Academy, Autonomous University of Coahuila, Torreón Unit Medical School, From Graduate Studies and Research, recognizes the participation as CONFERENCIST concerning the topic of "THE GRAVELY BURNED PATIENT", and "HIGH-ENERGY TRAUMA", October 2013.

    Government Health (GobBC Salud), recognizes participation as Speaker "CARE OF THE BURNED PATIENT", October 2013.

    Autonomous University of Baja California, recognizes the lecture at the conference "THE KINETICS OF TRAUMATIC INJURIES", November 2013.

    Autonomous University of Baja California, recognizes the participation as lecturer with the topic of "DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS", October 2014.

    International Congress of General Surgery, recognizes attendance at this, November 2013.

    XXV International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, includes the participation in the contest of Posters with the theme, "HIDDEN PNEUMOTHORAX, A FREQUENT PATHOLOGY IN PATIENTS SUFFERING SEVERE TRAUMATIC INJURIES", February 2014.

    XXV International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, includes participation as an assistant, February 2014.

    College of Surgeons of Ensenada, A.C and Mexican College of Military Surgeons A.C, includes participation in the Training Course on Advanced Surgery in Trauma (CEN- CAT), April 2014.

    ISSSTECALI BC HOSPITAL, acknowledges the presentation in "EMERGENCIES: A TRIAGE COURSE", April 2014.

    Fundamental Critical Care Support Certificate of Successful Completion, recognizes the completion of the course "SOCIETY OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE", June 2014.

    The Durango Society of Emergency Medicine A.C, recognizes attendance at the lecture "UPDATED DAYS IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE", July 2014.

    Society of Baja California in Emergency Medicine and the College of Internal Medicine of Tijuana, recognizes the participation in the ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE, October 2014."
    The Mexican Association of General Surgery A.C., acknowledges participation, October 2014.

    Professionalization services at the A.C Clinical Academy, recognize participation as a lecturer concerning the topic of "Medical War", October 2014.

    Professionalization services at the Clinical Academy A.C, includes participation as a lecturer with the session "HYPOTENSIVE REBIRTH IN TRAUMA", October 2014."

    The Institute of Safety and Social Services of State Workers, Ensenada Hospital Clinic, includes participation in "The Diploma in Emergency Medical Surgical", October 2014.

    XXVI International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, recognizes participation as an assistant, February 2015.

    XXVI International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, includes the participation as Speaker delivering the topic of "ABDONIMAL INJURIES OF DIFFICULT DIAGNOSIS", February 2015.

    College of General Surgeons of Tijuana Baja California, Participating as Speaker with the topic "EXPERIENCE IN THE MANAGEMENT OF INJURY OF BILARIA IN THE NORTHWEST", January 2015.

    XXVI International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, consists of participation as a speaker with the theme "UNSTABLE THORAX: THE COMPLETE VISION", February 2015.

    XXVI International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, includes the participation of its poster "DAMAGE CONTROL IN TRAUMATIC VASCULAR INJURIES", February 2015.

    XV International Congress of Medicine Medical Care: Life Function and Aesthetics, consists of its Participation as Speaker with the theme: "DAMAGE CONTROL SURGERY", March 2015.

    XXXV National Congress Burns A.C, includes participation as Professor with the topic: "FASCIOTOMIES IN THE BURNED PATIENT: WHEN AND HOW TO DO THEM” April 2015.

    XXXV National Congress Burns A.C, includes participation as Professor with the theme: "BURNS OF THE AIRWAY AND INHALATION INJURIES", April 2015.

    XXXV National Congress Burns A.C, consists of participation as a Congressman with the theme: "THE URGENCY MODULE", April 2015.


    Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), accreditation in Service Training in "ADVANCED LAPAROSCOPY", August 2015.

    Mexican Federation of General Surgery Specialists, A.C, Mexican Association of General Surgery, A.C, includes participation as Professor of the course "POSTGRADUATE II: THE NEW TOPIC UPDATES IN GERIATRIC TRAUMA", November 2015.

    Mexican Federation of Colleges of Specialists in General Surgery, A.C, Mexican Association of General Surgery, A.C, includes participation as Professor of the course "POSTGRADUATE II: THE NEW UPDATES IN BURN TRAUMAS", November 2015.

    Mexican Federation of Colleges of Specialists in General Surgery, A.C, Mexican Association of General Surgery, A.C, includes participation as Professor of the course "POSTGRADUATE II: THE NEW UPDATES IN AIRWAY TRAUMAS", November 2015.

    Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), recognizes attendance at the "BASICS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND HEALTH"; Course, October 2015.

    Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), recognizes excellence in the treatment, December 2015.

    Uniser A.C, University Division of Foreign Languages, recognition of SIX levels of ENGLISH program, December 2015.

    XXVII International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, recognizes the Assistance, February 2016.

    Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), awards the participation as Speaker in the Topic: "EVALUATION OF TRIAGE EMERGENCIES", April 2016.

    Northwest National Residency Exam Course, recognizes participation and support in this course, August 2016.

    Certificate of Completion, for successful completion of the "MX15HBMMCI01- HOSPITAL BASED MANAGEMENT OF MASS CASUALITY INCIDENTS", November 2016.

    XXVIII International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, recognizes attendance, February 2017.

    XXVIII International Congress of Emergency Medicine and Trauma, includes participation as a speaker with the theme: "THE PATIENT WITH ABDOMINAL CATASTROPHIES", February

    Mexican Academy of Emergency Medicine and the Mexican Committee for Care of the Heart and Trauma, consists of the Assistance in the Workshop "EMERGENCY: CODE INFARCTION."

    The Mexican Council of General Surgery, A.C, Certifies as GENERAL SURGEON, effective June 9, 2012 through June 9, 2017.

    The Mexican Council of Emergency Medicine A.C, Certified as SPECIALIST IN EMERGENCY MEDICINE, with validity from March 1, 2013 to March 1, 2018.

    Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery A.C, Participates as a PROFESSOR in the module "MISCELLANEOUS SURGERY", with the theme: WHAT SURGEONS MUST KNOW ABOUT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA February 2017.

    Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery A.C, Participation as PROFESSOR in the module "SINGLE PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY", February 2017.

    Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery A.C, Participation as a PROFESSOR in the module "SINGLE PORT LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY", with the topic: BIOLOGICAL MODEL PRACTICE OF THE FIVE CLASS SKILLS, February 2017.

    Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery A.C, recognizes attendance, February 2017.

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