Dr. Sunil Bhoyrul
    Dr. Sunil Bhoyrul


    Medical Director, Bariatric Surgery

    Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA

    Attending Surgeon & Past Chairman (2015-2018) Department of Surgery

    Scripps Memorial Hospital

    Private Practice

    Olde Del Mar Surgical Medical Group inc.



    Bachelor of Medical Biology, 1986, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Scotland, UK

    Medical School:

    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MbChB), 1989, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

    UK Surgical Training:

    London, England. 1989-1993. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1993
    US Fellowship:

    Fellow in Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, University of California San Francisco, 1993-1996
    US Residency:

    Resident & Chief Resident in General Surgery, Stanford University, Department of Surgery, Stanford CA, 1996-2000


    American Board of Surgery. Certified 2001, re certified 2011


    California Medical License A061911


    College & Medical School Awards

    1984 – Merit Award, Biochemistry & Physiology

    1985 – Merit Award Biochemistry

    1985 – Medical Research Council Scholarship

    1986 – Commendation for Bachelor in Medical Biology

    1987 – Merit award, Pathology

    1988 – John Hunter Bursary; ICI award for student elective; Scottish Home and health Department research grant

    1989 – Distinction in General Practice Awards during training

    1992 – SK&B grant to attend international symposium in laparoscopic surgery Awards in training (continued)

    1994 – Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgery (SLS) award for best produced video, Maui, Hawaii

    1994 – Society of Minimally Invasive Therapy (SMIT) Award – one of 10 best poster presentations, Berlin, Germany

    1995 – Society of American Gastroenterological and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) award for best resident presentation, Orlando Florida

    1995 – SMIT award for second best poster presentation

    Awards in Practice:

    2005-2018 – 13 peer nominations for “Best Doctors in America” award

    2007- Peer elected to the Pacific Coast Surgical Association

    2007-2018 – 6 peer nominations for “Best Doctors in San Diego” award


    2000 – 2007: Scripps Clinic Medical Group, La Jolla, California. Appointed, Head, Division of General Surgery in 2004

    2007 – Present: Private Practice, La Jolla, California. Founder Olde Delmar surgical group incorporated. Privileges at Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, California

    2009 – present: Medical Director, Bariatric Surgery, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA

    2014-2015: Head, Division of General Surgery, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA

    2016-2018 – Chairman, Department of Surgery, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA

    Continuing Education:


    Scientific Reviewer, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD)


    Directed Fellowship in Laparoscopic Surgery, Scripps Clinic 2005-2007


    Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS Eng)

    Fellow American College of Surgeons (FACS)

    Member – Pacific Coast Surgical Association (PCSA)

    Society of Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT)

    Society of American Gastroeneterological Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)

    American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeons (ASMBS)


    1995-96. Clinical Instructor in Laparoscopic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco

    1996-97. Adjunct Assistant Professor in Computer Sciences, Virtual Environments Technology laboratory, University of Houston, Houston, Texas

    1995-97. Consultant to the Institute for Defense Analysis. Research on Task analysis and error analysis in the operating room and battlefield environments.

    1995-1999 Consultant to Innerdyne Inc., Mountain View CA.

    2002 2004: Human anatomy demonstrator, University of California, San Diego

    2003-2011: Principle Investigator – Laparoscopic Gastric Band Study, Realize band, Ethicon Endo Surgery

    2014: Principle Investigator. Obalon Gastric balloon investigational study.

    2007-2014: Consultant to the Lap Band Division of Allergan


    ((1)Bhoyrul S, Peterson RG: The Ultrastructural observations on myelinated nerve fibers in
    experimental diabetes. Effect of an aldose reductase inhibitor and/or insulin therapy. Poster
    presentation of the American Diabetic Association, June 1987. Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

    (2)Bhoyrul S. Lectures on Feeding Enterostomy and Biliary Sphincterotomy, at the Endoluminal
    Surgery Course, during the meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic
    Surgeons, April 16 1994, Nashville TN, USA.

    (3)Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A new method of trocar insertion for laparoscopic surgery. Video
    presented to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, May 10th and 11th,
    1994, Orlando, Florida.

    (4)Bhoyrul S, Tendick F, Mori T, Way LW. An analysis of perceptual motor skills of laparoscopic
    surgeons. Presented to the 4th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, June 1994, Kyoto, Japan.

    (5)Mori T, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Laparoscopic pancreatic cystgastrostomy. The first operation in
    the new field of endoluminal laparoscopic surgery. Presented to the 4th World Congress of
    Endoscopic Surgery, June 1994, Kyoto, Japan.

    (6)Duh QY, Siperstein AA, Mori T, Bhoyrul S. The lateral transabdominal approach for
    laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Presented to the 4th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, June
    1994, Kyoto, Japan.

    (7)Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A new method of trocar insertion for laparoscopic surgery. Video presentation to the Society of laparoendoscopic surgeons (SLS) international video festival,
    Maui, Hawaii, August 1994.

    (8)Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A new method of trocar insertion for laparoscopic surgery. Video
    presentation to the XIV World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Montreal, Canada, 30th
    September 1994.

    (9)Bhoyrul S, Tendick F, Mori T, Way LW. An analysis of perceptual motor ability in laparoscopic
    surgery Presented to the Society for minimally invasive therapy, (SMIT), Berlin October 4th,

    (10) Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A safer design for trocar insertion. Results of a comparative
    study. Presented to the Society for minimally invasive therapy, (SMIT), Berlin October 4th, 1994

    (11)Tendick FE, Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Jennings RW, Tharp GK, Stark LW, Way LW. Human factors in
    laparoscopic surgery. Evaluation and enhancement of imaging and instruments. Presented to
    the Society for minimally invasive therapy, (SMIT), Berlin October 3rd, 1994

    (12)Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A safer design for trocar insertion. Results of a comparative
    study. Presented to the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons, Orlando, Florida, December 8th,

    (13) Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A safer design for trocar insertion. Results of a comparative
    study. Presented to the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES),
    Orlando Florida, March 1995.

    (14)Bhoyrul S, Tendick F, Mori T, Way S, Way LW. An analysis of perceptual motor ability in
    laparoscopic surgery. Presented to the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic
    Surgeons (SAGES), Orlando Florida, March 1995.

    (15 & 16). Bhoyrul S, Bowersox J, Shah A, Way LW. Evaluation of a Telepresence Surgery
    System. Results of an Animal Study. Oral & Poster presentations to the Society for Minimally
    Invasive Therapy, Portland, Oregon, September 21-23, 1995,.

    (17)Tendick F, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Visual factors in videoscopic imaging. Oral presentation to
    the Society for Minimally Invasive Therapy, Portland, Oregon, September 21, 1995

    (18)Patti MG, DeBellis M, DePinto M, Bhoyrul S, Tong J, Corvera CU, Mulvihill SJ, Way LW.
    Partial Fundoplication for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Presented to the 5th World Congress of
    Endoscopic Surgery, Philadelphia PA, March 1996

    (19) Hansen P, Bhoyrul S, Legha P, Wetter A, Way LW. Laparoscopic treatment of Liver Cysts.
    Presented to the Society of Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract, San Francisco CA, May 1996.

    (20)Bhoyrul S. Assessing Technical Performance in Laparoscopic Surgery. Grand Rounds,
    Stanford University Department of Surgery Research Presentation, January 1997

    (21)Bhoyrul S, Gantert W, Way LW, Dabadghav N. Error Analysis in Laparoscopic Surgery.
    Presented to the Kaiser Permanente Surgical Symposium, Beach CA, March 1997

    (22) Bhoyrul S, Moss L. Cervical Esophageal Perforation. The 1997 Kovitz Visiting Professor
    Lectureship. Clinical Case Presentation, March 1997, Stanford CA

    (23).Bhoyrul S, Payne J, Steffes B, Swanstrom L, Gantert W, Way LW. A Randomized

    prospective study of radially expanding trocars. Results of the Trocar Study Group. Presented to
    the Society of Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract, Washington DC May 1997.

    (24). Bhoyrul S. Abdominal Trauma. The good, the bad , the ugly. 1 hour lecture to the 12th
    Annual Trauma Symposium, February 1999, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

    (25). Bhoyrul S, Kulkrani M, Vierra MA. Laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass. Poster
    presentation to the Society of Surgeons of the Alimentary Tract, Orlando Florida, May 1999

    (26). Bhoyrul S, Vierra MA, Nezhat C, Krummel T, Way LW. Trocar Injuries in Laparoscopic
    Surgery. Oral Presentation to the Surgical Forum of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago
    IL, October 2000.

    (27). Bhoyrul S. Radial Rxpansion – A superior method of laparoscopic Access. Booth
    Presentation at the SAGES meeting. St Louis MS, April 2001

    (28). Bhoyrul S. Trocar Injuries in Laparoscopic Surgery. Invited speaker at UCSF Grand
    Rounds, May 17th 2001, San Francisco, CA.

    (29). Bhoyrul S. Laparoscopic Surgery 2002. Invited Speaker, Baroda School of Medicine,
    Baroda India, January 21st- 24th 2002. Performed 9 surgeries in front of an Indian Audience and
    delivered 2 lectures

    (30). Bhoyrul S & L. Albert Wetter. Director. Scripps Clinic Advanced laparoscopic surgery
    course. Baroda, India. October 21st-24th 2002. Performed & taught 17 laparoscopic operations
    to 40 surgeons in Baroda. Lectured on Fundamentals of surgery, Gastro esophageal relux
    disease and Obesity. Video demonstrations of multiple operations. Hands on suturing class.

    (31). Bhoyrul S. Keynote address to the Scripps President’s Council. Advances in Laparoscopic
    Surgery. September 13th 2003

    (32) Bhoyrul S. Management of Obesity in transplant Candidates. 1st Annual Transplant
    Workshop. Scripps Clinic, Feb 24th 2004

    (32). Bhoyrul S. Invited Faculty, Hands on lab, SAGES meeting, Denver CO, April 2004

    (33). Bhoyrul S. Surgical Options for Obesity. Invited Speaker to the American College of
    osteopathic Surgeons, San Diego, CA, September 30th 2004.

    (34). Bhoyrul S. Bariatric Surgery. Invited speaker to the Southern California Society of
    Gastroenterolgy Nurses and Associates. 2004 Fall Conference, Pala, CA, October 10th 2004

    (35) Bhoyrul S. Bariatric Surgery – when office based interventions are not enough. The
    continuum of Care for the obesity patient. Feb 12 2005, Pheonix, Arizona – educational
    seminar sponsored by ABcomm inc

    (36) Bhoyrul S. Tips and tricks – Advanced Bariatric Surgery & Complications Symposium – UC
    Irvine, April 23rd 2005, Huntington Beach, California

    (37)Bhoyrul S & Brunson M, Live telecast surgery – laparoscopic colon resection. Broadcast to
    SAGES meeting in Orlando Florida, April 14th 2005

    (38)Bhoyrul S. Laparoscopy in the Morbidly Obese. Invited Speaker to the Canadian
    Gynecological society Seventh Annual Meeting. November 19th 2005. La Jolla, California

    (39)Bhoyrul S. Patient Safety symposium. Preventing Access Injuries. Presentation to SAGES.
    April 26th 2006.

    (40) Bhoyrul S & Steres L. Preparation for Bariatric Surgery. Presentation to the American
    Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) 2007-2009

    (41) Bhoyrul S. Getting reimbursed for aftercare. Invited Presentation to the ASMBS, Las Vegas
    NV 2016


    Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T. Co-Editor of 'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery'. 10 chapter
    textbook, Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc., 1995. Also co-author of several chapters:

    1. Mori T, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. History of laparoscopic surgery, in Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T.
    Eds. 'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery', Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc. 1995

    2. Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. Principles of Instrumentation, in Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T. Eds.
    'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery'. Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc. 1995

    3. Mori T, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Operative techniques, in Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T. Eds.
    'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery'. Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc. 1995

    4. Stirling C, Bhoyrul S. Operating Room Set Up, in Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T. Eds.
    'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery'. Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc. 1995

    5. Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Learning laparoscopic surgery, in Way LW, Bhoyrul S, Mori T.
    Eds. 'Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery'. Churchill Livingstone, New York Inc. 1995


    6. Mori T, Bhoyrul S. History of Enteral Feeding. Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Access to
    the Gastrointestinal tract, 1995 (2) 3: 141-151. Decker Medical Publications, Canada

    7. Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Intraluminal Gastric Surgery. Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Access
    to the Gastrointestinal tract, 1995 (2) 3: 189-197. Decker Medical Publications, Canada

    8. Johnston, R., Bhoyrul, S., Way, L.W., Satava, R.M., McGovern, K., Fletcher, J.D., Rangel, S.
    and Loftin, R.B. (in press). Assessing a Virtual Reality Surgical Skills Simulator. In Satava, R.M.,
    Morgan, K., Sieburg, H.B., Mattheus, R. and Christensen, J.P. (Eds.). Health Care in the
    Information Age: Future Tools for Transforming Medicine. Washington, DC: IOS Press.

    9. Mori T, Atomi Y, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Intraluminal Surgery: A New Arena For Minimally
    Invasive Surgery. Surgical Technology IV, 1995, 129-136 Eds Szabo Z, Lewis JE & Fantini GA.
    Universal Medical Press Inc., San Francisco CA, USA.

    10. Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Endoluminal Surgery. Chapter 25A in Mastery of Endoscopic and
    Laparoscopic Surgery, Eds: Eubanks SW, Soper NJ, Swanstrom LL. Published by Lippincot,
    Williams and Wilkinson, 1999


    1. Hunter, A, Anand R, Sharma, AK, Bhoyrul S: Vascular abnormalities in the optic nerve of
    experimentally diabetic rats (Abstract). Peripheral Neuropathy Association of America, South
    Carolina. November 1986.

    2. Sharma, AK, Bhoyrul S: Myelinated fiber population in experimental diabetes (Letter).
    Diabetologia 1986, 29 (6): 405.

    3. Bhoyrul S, Tendick F, Mori T, Way LW. An analysis of perceptual motor skills of laparoscopic
    surgeons. Surgical Endoscopy 1994, 8: (5), 534.

    4. Mori T, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Laparoscopic pancreatic cystgastrostomy. The first operation in
    the new field of endoluminal laparoscopic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 1994, 8: (5), 448

    5. Duh QY, Siperstein AA, Mori T, Bhoyrul S. The lateral transabdominal approach for
    laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Surgical Endoscopy 1994, 8: (5), 527

    6. Tendick FE, Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Jennings RW, Tharp GK, Stark LW, Way LW. Human factors in
    laparoscopic surgery. Evaluation and enhancement of imaging and instruments. Abstract in
    Journal of Minimally Invasive Therapy, 1994 3 (1)

    7. Bhoyrul S, Tendick FE, Mori T, Way LW. An analysis of Perceptual Motor Ability In
    Laparoscopic Surgery. Abstract in Journal of Minimally Invasive Therapy, 1994 3 (1): 35

    8. Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A Safer Trocar Design For Laparoscopic Surgery. Results of A
    Comparative Study. Abstract in Journal of Minimally Invasive Therapy, 1994 3 (1): 88

    9. Bhoyrul S, Tendick F, Mori T, Way S, Way LW. An analysis of perceptual motor ability in
    laparoscopic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy, 1995 9 (2): 215.

    10. Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. A Safer Trocar Design For Laparoscopic Surgery. Results of A
    Comparative Study. Surgical Endoscopy, 1995 9 (2): 227.

    11. Bhoyrul S, Shah A, Bowersox J, Way LW. Evaluation of a telepresence surgery system.
    Results of an animal study. Minimally Invasive Therapy, 1995, 4(1) 10.

    12. Tendick F, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Visual factors in videoscopic imaging. Minimally Invasive
    Therapy, 1995, 4(1) 38.


    1. Safety and effectiveness of LAP-BAND AP System: results of Helping Evaluate Reduction in
    Obesity (HERO) prospective registry study at 1 year. Cobourn C, Degboe A, Super PA, Torre M, Robinson J, Jin J, Furbetta F, Bhoyrul S. J Am Coll Surg. 2013 Nov;217(5):907-18. doi: 10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2013.06.010. Epub 2013 Sep 10.

    2. Revisional surgery after heller myotomy for treatment of achalasia: a comparative analysis focusing on operative approach. Gouda BP, Nelson T, Bhoyrul S. Indian J Surg. 2012 Aug;74(4):309-13.

    3. Effect of early weight loss on type 2 diabetes mellitus after 2 years of gastric banding. Edelman S, Bhoyrul S, Billy H, Cornell C, Okerson T. Postgrad Med. 2012 Nov;124(6):73-81.

    4. Effect of adjustable gastric banding on changes in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and quality of life. Woodman G, Cywes R, Billy H, Montgomery K, Cornell C, Okerson T; APEX Study Group. Curr Med Res Opin. 2012 Apr;28(4):581-9. Select item 22153003

    5. Port fixation during gastric banding: 4-year outcome using a synthetic mesh. Randhawa S, Ghai P, Bhoyrul S. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2013 Mar-Apr;9(2):296-9

    6. Interim results at 48 weeks of LAP-BAND AP experience (APEX) study: prospective, multicenter, open-label longitudinal patient observational study. Cywes R, Bhoyrul S, Billy H, Ponce J, Okerson T, Oefelein MG; APEX Study Group. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2012 Nov-Dec;8(6):741-6.

    7. Safety and effectiveness of bariatric surgery: Roux-en-y gastric bypass is superior to gastric
    banding in the management of morbidly obese patients: a response.
    Bhoyrul S, Dixon J, Fielding G, Ren Fielding C, Patterson E, Grossbard L, Shayani V, Bessler M, Voellinger D, Billy H, Cywes R, Ehrlich TB, Jones DB, Watkins BM, Ponce J, Brengman M, Schroder G. Patient Saf Surg. 2009 Jul 28;3(1):17.

    8. Safety and effectiveness of Realize adjustable gastric band: 3-year prospective study in the United States. Phillips E, Ponce J, Cunneen SA, Bhoyrul S, Gomez E, Ikramuddin S, Jacobs M, Kipnes M, Martin L, Marema RT, Pilcher J, Rosenthal R, Rubenstein R, Teixeira J, Trus T, Zundel N. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2009 Sep-Oct;5(5):588-97

    9. Retrograde approach to elective laparoscopic sigmoid colon resection for diverticulitis. Khoe JL, Nelson TJ, Gouda B, Bhoyrul S. J Am Coll Surg. 2008 Mar;206(3):595-9

    10. Reactive thrombocytosis associated with a pheochromocytoma. Bazhenova L, Du EZ, Bhoyrul S, McCallum J, Saven A. Thromb Haemost. 2005 Aug;94(2):460-2.

    11. Safe and rapid laparoscopic access--a new approach. Antevil JL, Bhoyrul S, Brunson ME, Vierra MA, Swadia ND. World J Surg. 2005 Jun;29(6):800-3.

    12. Trocar injuries in laparoscopic surgery. Bhoyrul S, Vierra MA, Nezhat CR, Krummel TM, Way LW. J Am Coll Surg. 2001 Jun;192(6):677-83.

    13. Laparoscopic hernia repair and bladder injury. Dalessandri KM, Bhoyrul S, Mulvihill SJ. JSLS. 2001 Apr-Jun;5(2):175-7.

    14. A randomized prospective study of radially expanding trocars in laparoscopic surgery. Bhoyrul S, Payne J, Steffes B, Swanstrom L, Way LW. J Gastrointest Surg. 2000 Jul-Aug;4(4):392-7.

    15. Laparoscopic repair of paraesophageal hiatal hernias. Gantert WA, Patti MG, Arcerito M, Feo C, Stewart L, DePinto M, Bhoyrul S, Rangel S, Tyrrell D, Fujino Y, Mulvihill SJ, Way LW. J Am Coll Surg. 1998 Apr;186(4):428-32; discussion 432-3.

    16. Partial fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux. Patti MG, De Bellis M, De Pinto M, Bhoyrul S, Tong J, Arcerito M, Mulvihill SJ, Way LW. Surg Endosc. 1997 May;11(5):445-8.

    17. Laparoscopic treatment of liver cysts. Hansen P, Bhoyrul S, Legha P, Wetter A, Way LW. J Gastrointest Surg. 1997 Jan-Feb;1(1):53-9; discussion 59-60.

    18. Comparison of laparoscopic imaging systems and conditions using a knot-tying task. Tendick F, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Comput Aided Surg. 1997;2(1):24-33.

    19. Radially expanding dilatation. A superior method of laparoscopic trocar access. Bhoyrul S, Mori T, Way LW. Surg Endosc. 1996 Jul;10(7):775-8.

    20. Assessing a virtual reality surgical skills simulator. Johnston R, Bhoyrul S, Way L, Satava R, McGovern K, Fletcher JD, Rangel S, Loftin RB. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1996;29:608-17. PMID: 10163786

    21. Complex task performance in Cyberspace. Surgical procedures in a telepresence environment. Bowersox JC, LaPorta AJ, Cordts PR, Bhoyrul S, Shah A. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1996;29:320-6.

    22. Intraluminal surgery: a new arena for minimally invasive surgery. Mori T, Atomi Y, Bhoyrul S, Way LW. Surg Technol Int. 1995;IV:129-34.

    23. Ultrastructural observations on myelinated fibres in experimental diabetes: effect of the aldose reductase inhibitor ponalrestat given alone or in conjunction with insulin therapy. Bhoyrul S, Sharma AK, Stribling D, Mirrlees DD, Peterson RG, Farber MO, Thomas PK. J Neurol Sci. 1988 Jun;85(2):131-47.

    24. Myelinated fibre population in experimental diabetes. Sharma AK, Bhoyrul S. Diabetologia. 1986 Jun;29(6):405.

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