Cambio total *
  • Name: Candi Castillo
  • Age: 38
  • Surgery: Gastric Bypass
  • Surgery date: July 9th, 2021
  • Testimonial date: June 24th, 2022
  • Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
E perdido m s de 100 libras,la d abetes se a ido,la hipertensi n,la tiroides est totalmente bajo control y ya no tomo medicamentos para nada de eso,dorm a ahogandome por la apnea del sueño que desapareci por completo,duermo bien,corro,salto,me siento mil veces mejor y les tengo una sorpresa,los m dicos aqu en Estados Unidos me hab an diagnosticado con adenomiosis,ten a leiomas y quistes de nabo,la nica soluci n era una histerectom a a la que me negu porque me daba miedo otra cirug a tan r pido, decid esperar, pasaron 8 meses desde la bari trica y 5 meses desde que me diagnosticaron que deb an hacerme la histerectom a y fui para un chequeo, resulta que tengo 3 meses de embarazo, gloria a Dios mi beb est perfecto seg n un an lisis de ADN fetal y ser un var n, estoy muy feliz agradecida con mi señor Jes s por su gracia y con el doctor Mario Almanza porque ahora me siento j ven y sana otra vez y tendr la m s grande de las bendiciones que es un hijo sano,quise compartir esta noticia porque se que ah afuera hay muchas mujeres que por la obesidad,annperdido la esperanza de ser madres o tener m s hijos,se sienten enfermas y luchan cada d a contra si mismas y m s enfermedades que arrastra la obesidad,a ellas quiero decirles que si se puede estar sanas y sentirse libres otra vez,que si se puede sentir la dicha de tener a alguien dentro de ti creciendo sanito si te decides y te sometes a esta cirug a bari trica que cambiara tu vida para bien,Dios las bendiga y les permita la dicha de ver en ustedes este cambio que hoy yo veo en mi vida,muchas gracias al doctor Mario Almanza,Dios lo bendiga.

I have lost over 100 pounds, diabetes is gone, high blood pressure, thyroid is totally under control and I no longer take medication for any of that, I slept drowning from sleep apnea which completely disappeared, I sleep well, I run, I jump, I feel a thousand times better and I have a surprise for you, the doctors here in the United States had diagnosed me with adenomyosis, I had leiomas and turnip cysts, the only solution was a hysterectomy which I refused because I was scared of another surgery so fast, I decided to wait, it's been 8 months since the baritric and 5 months since I was diagnosed that I should have a hysterectomy and I went for a checkup, it turns out that I'm 3 months pregnant, praise God My baby is perfect according to a fetal DNA analysis and being a boy, I am very happy, grateful to my Lord Jesus for his grace and to Dr. Mario Almanza because now I feel young and healthy again and I will have the most one of the blessings that is a healthy son, I wanted to share this news because I know that out there there are many women who, due to obesity, have lost hope of being mothers or having more children, feel sick and fight against themselves and more diseases that obesity drags, I want to tell them that if you can be healthy and feel free again, that if you can feel the joy of having someone inside you growing healthy if you decide and submit to this baritric surgery that will change your life for the better, God bless you and allow you the joy of see in you this change that I see in my life today, many thanks to Dr. Mario Almanza, God bless him.
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.