Dr Almanza saved my life!! *
  • Name: Larry Tomlinson
  • Age: 59
  • Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
  • Surgery date: January 7th, 2013
  • Testimonial date: March 24th, 2014
  • Surgeon: Dr. Almanza
My name is Larry Thomlison. I didn't make it to Christmas in 2012. I was in the hospital getting a Pacemaker put in. Works great. I love it. I should have died, decided not to. The truth be known I dodged several bullets in 2012.

I weighed 371.3 pounds. I had just returned from Mexico in October 2012 where I was supposed to have had a bariatric procedure done called VGS (Vertical Gastro Sleeve) done. But when they put me under the gas I started going into cardiac arrest. They sent me home because I wasn't healthy enough for the surgery.

I had even got letter before I left from my cardiologist here in the States. He knew how bad my health was but he recommended I have the surgery done anyway. It had come to a point where I had to choose which way I was going to die. I had to decide whether I wanted to die because I was 200 plus pounds overweight or from the VGS Surgery. I had gotten to place where nothing was funny. Damned if you do damned if you don't. The ultimate Catch 22 to the nines.

Here’s my story. In October when I woke up in the Post Op the first thing I did was feel for the stitches. There weren't any. The nurse came in and I asked him, “Que paso, Chico?” (What's happening, Buddy?”) He said, "The doctor will be in to talk to you in a minute."

When the doctor came in he told me that after they put me under the gas they thought I was going into cardiac arrest. I hadn't had my Pacemaker installed yet but I told him that both my cardiologist and I were aware of my health situation, which was why I brought them a letter OK’ing the surgery. That we felt I was going to die either way and we agreed that we should err on the side of the surgery. He said he understood and appreciated that but, (This is my paraphrase this is what I heard.) “Hospital Jerusalem does not send dead Gringos back across the Rio Grande, Lorenzo.” I told him that was hard to argue with.

And then I wept. It wasn't crying, this was weeping. I had been counting on this surgery to help me to continue living. That was gone; I knew I was going to die and very soon. Other people knew this more than I did, (My kids and family my friends, my doctors.). But now I had run face first into a brick wall. All 371.3 pounds of inertia. Bang!

Then he told me, “It's alright, we're going to help you. You have options. We're going to help you fix this but you are going to have to do exactly what we say. And you are going have to get serious or you will die.”

This time I cried for a different reason. I had hit the wall so hard a brick had fallen from the wall. A hole opened in the wall and a hand was reaching through the wall. I heard my voice from the other side of the wall it was my voice and it said, “Come on Fatty we have a lot of work to do.” I heard myself laugh. Then we both laughed because we knew we'd get through this.
It’s been just over a year now, a year and four months. Here’s what has happened, I’ll make a list.

• I have lost 110 pounds
• I am diabetic (kind of) Before my surgery my prescription was 150 units a day. 75 in the morning and 75 at night. When I got back so almost immediately I had to quit taking insulin because my blood sugar was dipping below 80. I still have to test my blood sugar every day but my current prescription is a floating scale 3 units if I need it. My last visit to my endocrinologist my A1C was 5.5. My doctor told me that they didn’t even talk to anyone about diabetes until
an A1C was 5.4.
• My blood pressure/pulse this morning was 111/70 and 72 BPM.
Let me make this easy I have an illustration I did a couple of months after my surgery.

One thing I want to make absolutely clear…these medical and health benefits happen virtually immediately.
Just do it!

Now I am going to tell you what my Mexican Doctors told me. The best advice I have ever received. “It's alright, we're going to help you. You have options. We're going to help you fix this but you are going to have to do exactly what we say. And you are going have to get serious or you will die.”

This I direct from me, Quit making excuses. Those excuses are going to kill you. Just do it.
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    Next available surgery date is: April 3, 2025
    * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.