Dr. Rosales is a Godsend!!! *
  • Name: Tammy A.
  • Age: 48
  • Surgery: Lap Band Removal in Piedras Negras
  • Surgery date: December 6th, 2018
  • Testimonial date: December 11th, 2018
  • Surgeon: Dr. Gabriel Rosales
I had my Lapband placed in March of 2009 (almost 10 years ago) in the Dallas, TX. It has served its purpose very well and I lost about 80-85 lbs. I started at 220 lbs. and am now steady at 135-140 lbs. Over the past couple of years I've had issues with regurgitation of food during the night. Also, I've had severe acid reflux for about 8 years. I've taken Nexium every day and if I missed even one day I would have terrible side effects. I had an upper GI in 2016 and the doc said everything looked good but the food was sitting in my stomach too long. I wanted to have my band removed but was very apprehensive. I was afraid I would gain the weight back BUT since I've been banded I've learned portion control, how to make healthier food choices, and I exercise regularly.

Finally, I got up the courage to contact the doctor who placed my band and his office quoted me $12,000 to remove it. This is more than what I paid to have it placed! I shopped around and finally found a doctor in the metroplex (Texas) who would remove it for about 1/2 that cost. I even went for a consultation and was impressed with the team but then I found Weight Loss Agents. I did my research and filled out the inquiry form. Their quote was $2000 less than the least expensive doctor in the U.S. Their customer service was very friendly and helpful. They connected me with Dr. Gabriel Rosales in Piedras Negras, Mexico. I was really skeptical and unsure but Dr. Rosales personally called and emailed me on several occasions. He was very open to communicating with me and making sure that I had peace of mind. I researched everything, even verified Dr. Rosales' credentials and professional memberships.

I finally scheduled my surgery after two months of researching and procrastinating. My sister-n-law used to live in Eagle Pass and is familiar with the area so I recruited her to go with me. This was a big bonus for me because she had actually had surgery in the same hospital where my procedure was being performed AND she speaks Spanish. I arrived at the hospital on a Thursday morning at 8 a.m. The hospital isn't too impressive from the outside but the inside is nice, up-to-date, and very clean. The nursing staff had me checked into a room within 30 minutes and began preparation based on the orders Dr. Rosales had provided to them. They were all very kind but only one of them spoke English (very limited). Dr. Rosales came in soon after I had settled and introduced himself, explained what all would be taking place, answered any of my questions, and gave me further reassurance.

Within a very short time the nurses had my IV in, my EKG was done, and the anesthesiologist had come in to assess me. I also had a chest/abdominal x-ray so that they could see the placement of my band. The x-ray tech was very nice and he spoke pretty good English. He even complimented me! : ) Before I knew it, the surgical nurses were coming in to take me to surgery. I was in by 10:00 a.m. (on time). The procedure itself took about 20 minutes but they kept me in the room for observation for a few hours. After returning to my room where my family was waiting, I slept for another couple of hours. The staff allowed me to wake up on my own but frequently monitored me which made the experience very pleasant. I recall when I had Lapband surgery, it was done at a day surgery clinic and they were running way behind. I had to wait 5 hours past my scheduled surgery time and then, when it was complete, they basically were kicking me out at 7 p.m. I was still very groggy from the anesthesia but they didn't care - out I went! That terrible experience stays with me even today.

Dr. Rosales checked on me frequently. He was very patient, answered any questions, and made me feel like a priority. I was up walking within an hour or so after waking and I walked every hour for about 15 minutes. I felt really good! I was asleep by 11 p.m. and slept pretty good. No pain or other issues. Dr. Rosales was back by 8:30 the next morning. He sat down and visited with me and my husband for a good 30 minutes answering questions, giving me instructions, and preparing me for when I left. He was gracious enough to snap a few pics as well. I was dismissed and on my way home by 9:00 a.m.

Dr. Rosales is an amazing doctor. He is very professional and knowledgeable. He speaks, reads, and writes perfect English as well. I highly recommend him and would return to him in the future without a doubt! I have the utmost confidence in him and the hospital. I did not have to take any pain medication after the procedure, not even on my 6 hour ride home, and I have not taken any Nexium since the procedure 5 days ago! I've actually lost a couple of pounds as well. Thanks to Dr. Rosales, I feel normal again! This was the BEST, most pleasant surgery experience I've ever had in my life.

Although I had my band removed by Dr. Rosales, I trust that he does an excellent job with any and all procedures he performs. Doctors like Dr. Rosales are rare. I truly consider him a Godsend and a real blessing.
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.