My wonderful experience south of the border!! *
  • Name: Cindi Burnett
  • Age: 63
  • Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
  • Surgery date: May 18th, 2012
  • Testimonial date: June 27th, 2012
  • Surgeon: Dr. Almanza
We arrived at Jet Blue and waied for the van about 1/2 hour early...didn't want to miss it!!! Right now I want to say that my ex took me down and he is a doctor. Upon arriving at Jerusalem Hospital finished up paper work and blood was drawn by Lupita who is an excellent nurse. She didnt have any problems finding my vein on the one hand. We met Dr. Almanza and had our pictures taken with him...then we were taken upstairs for consultation and other pre surgery activities...ekg blood pressure etc.. If you take someone with you, they get invited to share the meal that is brought in for the staff. I loved it that since its family run, the whole family is involved. The nephews get you ice and other things you need and they are so polite...kiss their uncles goodbye when they leave. As I was to be the last surgery of the day, my ekg was last done...that's when they found an irregularity....decision was made that I needed to be on a heart monitor for at least 12 hours to see is they could do the surgery. It was my luck that Sunday was one of 2 a month they did surgeries on. They went out of their way to find a cardiologist that would hook me up that evening and come in and read it on Sunday for only $70 more than a normal off we went to get hooked up....of course that was an extra $270 that was unforseen but better safe than sorry...and I didnt want to have to reschedule the surgery...that would cost for another trip too.. I went back to the hotel for the night. The hotel is a modern place with gourmet chefs for those who can eat. I was delighted with it. As nice as some of the best I have stayed in.. shopping right around the block , a beauty parlor almost next door, and modern pharmacy department store catty corner from it....Got up early and went back to have the monitor removed. The driver took me back to hotel to await doctors consultation and decision making. They came back for me about noon and I was zipped upstairs without further ado to put on gown, get legs wrapped, hooked to iv and waited. At first they said I would be last again but they took me in at 2....walked down to sugical unit ...that upon refelction seemed to look like most I had been in in the states...I climbed on the table and laid down and the anesthesiologist asked me if I had problems with which I replied yes...I usually had threw up afterwards....last thing I remember was his saying throw up and sleep apnea right? I woke up in a private recovery rome off of the sugical unit...think they were keeping me near to monitor still...slept threw til next morning when i got meds, then got up and dressed so they could take me back to the hotel. The ex and I went for a walk and shopping when I got there...had my broth for lunch .went back and rested til late afternoon. Went back over route earlier in day and got a popsicle at the local 7-11. Went back to hospital for meds and to pick up dye for the morning treck to radiologist to check for leakage. For dinner they had a scrumptuous looking chicken kabob that came with soup and salad and guacamole and chips.....I had my broth....By the way, you can get as many popsicles from the front desk as you want.... Went back to room after sending some emails from the business center and fell asleeo on the confortable bed. The next morning had to start drinking the nasty purple dye...NOTE: REMEMBER TO USE A STRAW so your teeth dont get stained like mine did!!! Until then I was really feeling good...that stuff sis me in and another girl...after that we could hardly stand to eat ice...water was disgusting...but none of us checked had a leak so back we went to the hotel or recovery house....I saw from outside..looked very nice....just not really if money isnt an object...stay at hotel! Went back to hospital to take xray and talk about what the cardiologist had found. Back to hotel for last night. Left early and got threw the border quickly as it was midweek. Got on the road out of San Diego by noon. We drove over from Phoenix which was good since there was a delay of 2 days for the return due to the surgery having to be put off. Everyone was kind, considerate, and professional. I am going back for the MOMMY MAKE OVER when all is lost.
* This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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Next available surgery date is: April 4, 2025
* The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.