New Lifestyle *
  • Name: MsBFree
  • Age: 42
  • Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
  • Surgery date: September 12th, 2011
  • Testimonial date: October 12th, 2013
  • Surgeon: Dr. Almanza
I had the gastric sleeve done in Mexico, with Dr. Almanza, about 2 years ago. I weighed 220 pounds and was completely miserble, I could not walk for 5 minutes before breaking out in a sweat, and not a femine glow type of sweat I mean a wet hair, shirt, and seat of pants type of gross experience. My students would always try to hug me on passing, and I would shy away, (I deal with children that have been rejected on so many levels in their lives), so this was a big problem. My feet hurt, my back hurt, high blood pressure, pre-diabetic and I sat and ate at my problems on most occassions. I decided to make a change, and after have my procedure I am now actively working out in a Gym, well not as much as I should, I currently weigh 169 pounds and wearing a size 10 loosely. So I am very happy about that. I had gotten down to a size 6, but stopped my regiment and began college, I do plan to get back in the gym, to get thoses pounds down, to maybe a size 8, my life has definetly improved. New job, about to graduate from college with my 2nd degree, and a vey happy spouse of 14 years, he lucked up a got a super model girlfriend, ME!,, I look and feel great. My complaint, I do have a serious hiatal hernia, this is the shape of the tummy after the procedure, and it took some time to manage it. I will forever be on Nexium for acid reflux, I am a night eater, and several times I awoke asphixating on my tummy contents, much of it did get into my lungs, and I had a mild case of pnuemonia, after I recovered, I took it serious to not eat 2 hours prior to going to bed. Now everything is fine, and I am happy.
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    Next available surgery date is: April 3, 2025
    * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.