- Name: Martha
- Age: 38
- Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
- Surgery date: August 16th, 2018
- Testimonial date: August 30th, 2018
- Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
It's only 2 weeks since surgery and I thought I'd wait longer before writing my testimonial. The changes that have happened in the last two weeks are worth writing about now. I have lost 25 pounds (9 of them were before surgery), I haven't taken all my measurements at this point but I do know I have lost 6 inches around my abdomen! I used to wake up in the morning, hardly able to put weight on my feet, so painful! I am able to walk without any problems already-such a quick change! I feel so much better already and I'm just getting started!
The procedure:
Day 1: got picked up at the airport and brought to the Grand View hospital. Waited in the lobby for our group to get blood work and heart test done then got brought to our rooms. We spent the evening getting to know the people that became family. We spent the night on the 3rd floor which in more like a motel room.
Day 2: Met in the lobby at 5:30 AM to meet the doctor, he explained the procedure and took time to answer questions and take individual pictures with each of us. We were given a room on the second floor, which was our room for 24 hours after surgery) Then we waited for our turn to go into surgery. To prep you they wrap your legs from the knee down and put in an IV. You get a hospital gown and head cap. Then it's surgery time. They whole procedure took about 1 1/2 hours from when you leave your room until you return. We (my husband and I both went for surgery the same day) rested awhile then were encouraged to walk around. Some of the medications made us dizzy so I wouldn't encourage walking too far from your room the first day. Surgery day consists of resting, sipping water and walking!! My husband and I were fortunate enough not to get severe gas pains!
Day 3: We got moved back to the 3rd floor. This day is also about walking, sipping and resting. The popsicles were our best friend! We found that although the nurses were great with putting out water and apple juice, we did have to ask for popsicles and soup broth. We spent some time outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
Day 4: We got the driver to take us to the shopping centre. We did quite a bit of walking and it was hot out. We spent about 1 1/2 hours out, which was plenty. In the morning we got the drain out and the IV came out in the evening. It felt so good to be free of those two things! We also had our leak tests this day. The nutritionist explained our diet, medication and vitamin intake to us in great detail.
Day 5: You are free to go! The drivers took us back to San Diego Airport.
The Facility and Staff:
The hospital was exceptionally clean and modern. The blankets and pillows were comfortable.
The staff was super friendly and had no issues with language barriers. They got us everything we needed and seemed genuine and sincere. Dr. Almanza was very professional and connected with us on a personal level.
Overall Experience:
This is so far one of the best decisions I've made in my life. It feels like I have control of my life again. My wounds have healed well and the only thing I struggle with at this point is a bit of heartburn occasionally. It's hard to adjust to the small amount of "food" you can have and I sometimes struggle with it getting cold before I can finish it....buts that's a small problem to have:)
Like I said, it's only been 2 weeks but I'm so excited for what's to come!