Stressed for nothing! *
  • Name: Victor Kocho
  • Age: 37
  • Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
  • Surgery date: May 13th, 2022
  • Testimonial date: June 12th, 2022
  • Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
Walking into this I didn't know what to think. A lot of my friends used Dr. Almanza so that was the reason I used him. The thought of going into Mexico for surgery terrified me. But as I arrived and got checked into the hospital, I noticed it was very modern, clean and upkept. First thing they did was take me to a room go have an EKG, blood work and checked my weight. I was escorted to my room and was officially checked in. They hooked me up to a IV and i just relaxed with that and watched Netflix. That same day I was just left alone and of course I was sweating bullets, but I continued with it. The next morning I was woken up early in the morning approximately 0530 and was told its time to go down. Didn't know what to expect, I thought it was time for the surgery. But it was just to meet the surgical team. I was escorted down and met a whole bunch of people that were getting the procedure done. Everyone seemed ok. When the team walked in they walked in like Rockstar's and took over the hallway. Shockingly, this made me feel more comfortable. These guys didn't play any games and were strictly business (which in that field is a good thing). Dr. Almanza introduced himself to everyone there one at a time. I didn't speak any Spanish but they were very good with letting us know what was what was next. After the meet and great, we were sent back to our rooms to relax until it was time for the procedure. About a hour and a half later... It was time. Of course being nervous about a surgery in Mexico, I went downstairs. I was taken to a little hallway near the surgery room and started watching TV. After about 20 minutes, I was up. I was escorted next to the surgery room and observed the team at work. These guys were ON IT!!!. I watched them walk in and out with the tools and cleaning the heck out of them. after about 20 minutes there, I was up. I walked into the surgery room and laid down on the table and was strapped in. I was told I was going to sleep very soon, and of course I fought it and lost. All I remember is closing my eyes and hearing someone say, "Victor you're done." I woke up and asked if everything went good and he responded, "everything went good, 25 minutes." I was helped into the wheelchair and taken to my room. My surgery was about 0930 and about 2pm I woke up feeling good. To the point where I remember them saying walk as much as you can. So I attempted to leave my room and they said NOPE! Its too soon. After a Doctor came to check up on me and asked he how I was feeling. I responded, "I'm fine." He looked at me asking if I had nausea or any pain I said, "Nope and can I walk?" He said go for it and was shocked that I was just relaxing with no pain or nausea. I began walking once an hour every hour to help release the gasses, about 15 to 20 minutes at a time. I began chewing on ice right away. The next was was even easier, Just walked, chewed on ice and watched tv. Day 3 I had my drain taken out, IV removed and given after care instructions and was sent on my way (of course with numbers and emails to follow up with if I had any issues." Day after day it became easier, drinking water as much and soon as I could. And here I am typing this almost 1 month post surgery, 37.4 pounds down, eating small meals drinking a half gallon of water a day and still walking. If I could do it again, I wouldn't change the process or the team of Doctors. Dr. Mario Almanza and his team are Rockstar's!
    * This is an actual testimonial, however, your results may vary. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.

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    Next available surgery date is: March 20, 2025
    * The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.