- Name: Laura Duncan
- Age: 37
- Surgery: Gastric Sleeve and Gallbladder Removal Add On
- Surgery date: April 5th, 2021
- Testimonial date: May 11th, 2021
- Surgeon: Dr. Mario Almanza
I've been overweight my whole life but It wasn't until after the birth of my two sons that my weight reached an all time high. I gained 100lbs between both pregnancies and tried everything to loose it. I could never get past loosing 50lbs and once I stop doing whatever diet I was on I would gain it all back plus some. For years I tossed the idea around of doing the weight loss surgery but I would tell myself I can do it on my own. I finally had to come to terms that I needed help and that's okay. I prayed about it a lot and decided to put in my application and see what happens. If it was meant to be then the process would go smoothly for me. Oh boy and did the process ever go so smoothly. I had the best experience from beginning to end. I am extremely happy that I did this and now, wonder why I didn't do it sooner. I am starting my 6 weeks post op and have lost 30 plus pounds. I feel great and no more swelling in my feet and ankles. I am just over the top to see where this new journey takes me. I have attached a picture of me going into my 4th week post op and lost 24lbs at that point. I have been giving a new life and I am forever thankful.