The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders estimates that 2 in 3 adults in the United States are overweight or obese and 1 in 20 adults suffer every day with extreme obesity.
There is no shortage of companies attempting to capitalize on the obesity epidemic, offering everything from extreme diets to unregulated weight loss pills, and everything in between.
Unfortunately, millions of people every year jump from one weight loss fad to the other, experiencing little to no results.
After years of attempting to shed their extra weight, an increasing number of people are turning to surgery.
The number of bariatric surgeries in 2013 increased to 179,000, and while we often hear gastric bypass success stories, only a small fraction of patients and doctors choose it, due to the complexity of the procedure and long-lasting lifestyle changes. Instead, an increasing number of patients and medical professionals are choosing the less-intrusive gastric sleeve option.
What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery is known as a "restrictive" operation because it restricts the size of the stomach in order to help patients lose weight.
Weight loss surgery is usually performed in several ways. The first option involves making a large incision in the abdomen (open procedure), while the second option allows doctors to create several small incisions with the use of small instruments and a camera that helps guide the surgery. The latter process is commonly referred to as laparoscopic surgery. Nearly all gastric sleeve surgeries performed nowadays are through the laparoscopic method.
The procedure is completed after a surgeon inserts staples along the portion of the stomach that will remain intact and then removes the remaining section. A thin vertical sleeve (or tube) of stomach about the size of a banana remains. The recently attached staples are left in place to keep the newly sculpted stomach closed while it heals on its own and becomes stronger with time.
Like many other surgical procedures, sleeve gastrectomy is non-reversible which means a lifetime commitment from the patient is necessary before agreeing to the procedure.
Open Versus Closed Surgery Patients who undergo open surgery are told to avoid lifting any heavy objects and avoid strenuous activity during the recovery period. Typically, open surgery recovery takes about 4 to 6 weeks.
A laparoscopic option usually leads to faster recovery times, although patients should still avoid strenuous lifting and exercise during the recovery process.
The National Institute of Health notes that the minimally invasive option has been proven to reduce surgical wound infections, decrease morbidity of surgical site infections, and decrease the cost of wound care following the completion of a successful operation.
The Post-Surgery Diet Following a successful life-changing gastric sleeve surgery, patients can only handle liquids at first, and then small amounts of soft food and liquids during the healing process. For the rest of their lives, patients should be prepared to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Thankfully, there are nutritionists who specialize in assisting customers with their pre-surgery and post-operative diet recommendations to ensure a smooth transition into a healthier life. Weight Loss Agents can also help you understand your post-operative diet recommendations that are provided.
Some Life-Changing Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery When a portion of a patient's stomach is removed, the body's production of the hormone ghrelin is reduced. Commonly referred to as the "hunger hormone," this side effect often leaves patients feeling less hungry on a daily basis.
Ghrelin also plays a role in blood sugar metabolism, which has been shown to help reduce diabetes medication needs in patients with Type II diabetes, according to Columbia University’s Department of Surgery.
Because a lap band is not needed, patients will not be required to undergo further procedures to adjust an implanted device. Once your surgery is complete, you can begin the recovery process and move on with your life. There is also no band to slip, twist, erode the stomach, etc.
The Proof is in the Results WebMD reports that patients who undergo a gastric sleeve operation shed 60% of their excess weight. The difference will be immediately apparent when you examine the thousands of
gastric sleeve success stories associated with the procedure.
48-year-old Tammy gleefully shared her story with Weight Loss Agents, a company that helps patients arrange their gastric sleeve surgery while assisting with all necessary needs. Tammy met with Dr. Choi who performed her surgery. Only two weeks after her surgery was completed, Tammy had lost an amazing 20 pounds. "I am having to remind myself to drink protein and water since I rarely feel hungry," she revealed.
Michael Alvarado struggled with his weight for years before deciding at 28-years-old to move forward with the procedure. He says that, for him, the recovery was tough, but three months afterwards he had lost 100 pounds. He has maintained a very healthy weight and the change to his body is breathtaking.
Check out Michael's amazing transformation
Important Factors for Determining If You're a Good Candidate WebMD notes that doctors will typically only perform the surgery on patients whose BMI has reached at least 40. If your BMI is lower, and are interested in seeing if you're a candidate, you can request to be considered by the many doctors in the network.
Doctors typically agree that the best patients are able to adhere to a strict post-surgery diet and have the psychological determination to avoid falling back into their old ways.
The weight loss struggle affects millions of Americans every day. Trendy diets and pills have failed to solve the obesity epidemic because they don't work for most people. Thankfully, there is help available to people who truly want to change their lives.
Fill out the form below or call one of our helpful coordination agents today to get started on your journey to a happy and healthier you.