This Obese Man Lost 170 lbs in 8 Months Thanks to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

This Obese Man Lost 170 Pounds in 8 Months Thanks To Gastric Sleeve Surgery

This Obese Man Lost 170 Pounds In 8 Months Thanks To Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Guy Salisbury tried for years to lose weight. Like many people who struggle with weight problems, he tried various diet programs from Weight Watchers to the Atkins Diet. Early attempts failed, so he turned in desperation to bizarre, exotic diets and medicine that promised quick and miraculous results. Nothing worked.

The last ditch effort for the 51-year-old man was surgery. When his friend mentioned the Gastric Sleeve operation, he was skeptical.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric Sleeve surgery is a process in which approximately 80% of the patient's stomach is removed.

Doctors begin by removing approximately 70% to 80% of the patient's stomach, which disrupts their capacity to eat without modifying or changing the intestinal tract.

What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The procedure is often used in place of other weight loss surgeries, such as the gastric bypass because it is less complex, offers a faster recovery time, and in place of the lap band because it requires adjustments to be made. One quick procedure and the patient is on their way to a happy and fulfilling life.

After surgery, patients feel full after eating less food, allowing for instant portion control. They are also provided with dietary guidelines that are designed so they continue to live a healthy and happy life.

Finding the Right Team to Perform the Surgery
When Mr. Salisbury was ready to move forward with the procedure, he discovered Weight Loss Agents and made the decision to utilize their service arrangements to take care of the details on his behalf. The company offers scheduling services with many providers throughout the USA, Mexico, and Europe, with various packages that help weight loss patients set up their encounters.

When Salisbury talked to the company, he discovered that they offered ground transportation on the day of his surgery, and provided full access to blood work, cardiologist, anesthesiologist, surgeon, nurses, medicines, hospital, EKG, tests, imaging, and everything else his surgical encounter would require.

Salisbury even received a nutritional plan for his pre-surgery and post-surgery needs, a crucial part of the gastric sleeve surgery process.

He was pleasantly surprised after realizing Weight Loss Agents put him in contact with a highly reviewed doctor who offered the surgery for a price he could afford in a location that was easily accessible for him.

The Day of Surgery and a Bright Outlook on the Future
Salisbury says Dr. Mario Almanza and his staff were not only incredibly knowledgeable but also "cool" to meet with. He never once felt like the procedure was being rushed or that he had to worry about the quality of his care.

The surgery was a breeze and quickly afterward Salisbury was back at home and well on his way to recovery.

The After Effects of Salisbury's Surgery
Salisbury weighed 400 pounds when he met with Dr. Almanza on May 27, 2016. It took just 8 months for the once-obese man to shed 170 pounds!

Like many weight loss patients, he still has to watch his weight, but today he feels more liberated than ever while playing with his children and grand kids.

Before his surgery, excessive weight forced Mr. Salisbury to sleep with a sleep apnea machine. When he followed up with his surgery team, the liberated man was excited to announce that he no longer needed the device. He even joked that he no longer snores like he's riding a unicycle!

Now that he's eating less food and choosing healthy options, his quality of life continues to improve on a daily basis.

His surgery was a success and "life-changing" as he enthusiastically explains.

Finding out if gastric sleeve surgery can change your life is incredibly simple - just fill out the form below and get started on your path to recovery today!

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Next available surgery date is: March 29, 2025
* The testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are only applicable to the individuals depicted, and may not be representative of the experience of others. For more information, please read our Testimonial Disclaimer and Risks of Surgery.